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Old 01-26-2016, 09:28 AM   #8 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
Probably already addressed but don't go that route. You act like that here and you find yourself alienated because you can't be engaged in conversations involving difference of views or opinion. Overlook that comment if it bothered you. Sometimes confronting the issue is the wrong way to go about things.

But I as well disagree with you on every point. I look forward to those moments when a band or artist I really enjoy changes things up live; so exciting. After all it is their discretion to do so. Hearing the same songs the same way all of the time wares on a person. So to hear it a bit differently is nice to experience and personally for me shows that the band or artist I'm seeing hasn't reached their creative peak.
My #1 reason for liking a change up on the songs live is I don't have to listen to 50,000 people sing it live if its an altered version. To the 50,000 people you aren't very good, so keep your day job k thanks.
" I slashed and burned thru my 15 minutes of fame."
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