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Old 01-05-2006, 07:05 PM   #25 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Posts: 418

Originally Posted by SabrinaMaher
Kurt Cobain kill himself and was in fact famous before he died. the whole band was because it was a amazing band for his voice, the writing everything. but really do you think Nirvana would still be as famous as they are if kurt never kill himself. I personally don't think so, i think personally as great as that band was they would have lost there touch. But i personlly think John lennon before he died was very much famous for everything before he died and would remain a musical god if he never died, maybe his music would have truned to crap, who really knows Nirvana was indeed a great band but i don't think they would be still famous if kurt never killed himself, un like lennon who i think would have remained famous dead or not, and not just because of the songs he wrote or the way he left the beatles or the fact that there's a record out there with naked john and yoko on the cover. I think the way he was so passionet about peace, and love, just living the way he wanted
Just to bring some "reality" to this, every band eventually loses their touch!!!That's why the most significant part(s) of a bands career is called their "prime", see? And the part about Nirvana and Kurt's death, why even get into this bull s hit once again?Nirvana's music was good before Kurt's death and it is still popular for the simple reason that it is good music that "lasts" over time!!!
Think of it this way, many people have died/been killed, but not every artist got more credit for being the great musician that they are because they died...
...100 years after an artists death someone may be listening to their music and think that it's great, even before they figure out that the person was killed!!!This question is asked/brought up too much and the main reason records are sold is because the music is good, End Of Story!!!
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