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Old 01-19-2016, 10:15 AM   #623 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Uh, duh. How does this change the fact that your analogies are largely erroneous?

Quality in art is entirely subjective and is not the sole determining factor in what is "best." Is that so hard to understand? I respect your opinions that I don't find to be poorly constructed. This is not one of those cases.

Maybe if you looked at the content of what I was saying instead getting outraged at my over the top language (which in all honesty is more tongue in cheek than anything), you might understand where I'm coming from with this and subsequently why you are abhorrently wrong.

It was impressive indeed.
But you could measure this subjective thing in two different ways.
Say your criteria for judging a piece of music are a beautiful melody, technical skill, clear production.
So you'd call a piece of music that excells in those criteria the best.
And then there might be some song that is pretty ****ty, but you've been constantly listening to it on a party way back and since then it evokes feelings that make it so enjoyable, that you prefer listening to it to listening to the aforementioned best song. And you know that you'd probably dislike it without all the nostalgia.
I get that you don't like to rate art that way for yourself, but it's hardly invalid or semantically wrong.
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