You're the only one complaining about my analogies. And no, I already said a lot of my favorite are favorites for different reasons, and I made it perfectly clear how many albums are my favorites for reasons OTHER THAN quality. You're the one refusing to look at any of the original analogies I've stated about how I like The Wall for the story more than I like the quality of DSOTM, about how I find the worse but catchier albums Achtung Baby and Discipline more than the quality of The Joshua Tree and Larks. If you don't understand, that's your business. But calling my analogies ****ty is only going to get me riled up. And like I said, you're the first person ever to complain about this thing that I've told tons of people before you. Most just say, "I get what you're saying," or "I don't understand, but do what you will." You're the only one with a legitimate problem, and you resort to annoyance and foul language. The first post you made told me to "get over it."
Listen, I respect your opinion enough not to call your opinions ****ty or foolish. How about you respect mine? Bottom line is I'm not a fool I'm not a moron, and I'm not ****ty. I know you weren't calling me ****ty, but recognizing the difference in something is indeed a legitimate opinion, even if I do it in an art or not. I do it specifically because it exercises judgement, which has helped to strengthen my mentality and my skills on how to write reviews and critique things, even things besides albums.
But I'll keep the analogies up. I'm not gonna call a blur-ray player a DVD player because they are different things. I'm not going to call the monitor of a computer "the computer." I'm not going to call a chair "a couch." I'm not going to call a pencil a pencil a pen. I'm not going to say that best is always the same as favorite. And I'm not going to argue with this any further, because apparently my opinion annoys you. That's just childish, if you ask me. If my opinion was that Justin Bieber was a finer musician than Wagner, then you can complain.