Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody
While I am trying to work out my political philosophy, I highly recommend people to read the article below...
I've been talking about the revolt within the Republican Party and this is the best written piece of work I've seen that explains the Trump phenomenon!
It's written by David Frum, a former speech writer for George Bush, who is now I believe the editor of the Atlantic.
I ask you to look by this, as he knows his stuff and the article is really good, plus he was friends with the late great Christopher Hitchens, so he can't be all that bad
Here's the link...
Will the Republican Party Survive the 2016 Election? - The Atlantic
Here's an intro video...
Alright, I'm gonna
try to read the last two-thirds of that tomorrow, but I'm drunk, and I think the general gist is that globalism is wreaking havoc on the local cultures and economics of just about everywhere. Some people swing to right wing nationalism and some swing to left wing nationalism, so long as those politicians are promising them some kind of security.
While I don't at all agree with the racism behind so much of the sentiments behind these constituents' rhetoric, racism is not the core issue of their concern. It's loss of what they see as their way of life, in far more ways than just all-white neighborhoods.
It would be wrong to bow to their more racist demands, but to ignore their point of view without considering anything else they have to say is short-sided and blind to the views of a very large portion of Western society. The racists might not end up "taking back" society, but they will most certainly divide it until it barely functions (as they already have to a significant extent).
Whatever you think of these people, you can't ignore them and their demands.