...And They Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead
1000 Travels of Jawahartel
6 Finger Satellite
AFI- Black Sails in the Sunset 8/10, Art of Drowning 8/10
After Words
All Through a Life
American Football- American Football 9/10
Antioch Arrow-
The Lady is a Cat 9/10
Appleseed Cast
Articles of Faith
At the Drive-In- Hell Paso 7/10, ¡Alfaro Vive Carajo! 9/10, Acrobatic Tenement 8/10, In/Casino/Out 10/10, Vaya EP 10/10, Relationship of Command 10/10
Atlas Losing Grip
Baaader Brains
Balance and Composure
Basement- I Wish I Could Stay Here 8/10
Bear vs. Shark
Big Black- Lungs EP 8/10, Atomizer 8/10
Bitch Magnet-
Ben Hur 10/10
Black Eyes
Black Flag- My War 9/10, Family Man 8/10, Process of Weeding Out 9/10
Box Car Racer
Brand New- Your Favorite Weapon 8/10, Deja Entendu 10/10, The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me 9/10, Daisy 9/10
Brave Little Abacus
Brief Lives
Burning Airlines
Butthole Surfers
Cap'n Jazz- Schmap'n Schmazz 9/10
Carther Matha
Casket Lottery
Catena Collapse
Cave In
Ceremony- Rohnert Park 8/10, L-Shaped Man 8/10
Chino Horde
Choke- Foreward 8/10, Slow Fade 8/10
Circa Survive
Circle Takes the Square- Decompositions 9/10
Citizen- Youth 6/10
City of Caterpillar
Cleons Down
Cloud Nothings- Attack on Memory 10/10, Here and Nowhere Else 10/10
Coheed and Cambria
Condominium- Carl 7/10
Converge- Petitioning the Empty Sky 10/10, Caring and Killing 9/10, Jane Doe 10/10, You Fail Me 7/10, All We Love We Leave Behind need to relisten/10
Crash of Rhinos
Cursive- Domestica 9/10, The Ugly Organ 9/10
Dag Nasty
Daniel Striped Tiger- No Difference 9/10
Das Oath- 2004 LP 7/10, Mini-LP 9/10
Defeater- Empty Days and Sleepless Nights 8/10, Letters Home 5/10
Deftones- Adrenaline 7/10, Around the Fur 9/10, White Pony 10/10, Saturday Night Wrist 10/10
Dinosaur Jr. (S/T & You're Living All Over Me)
Dope Body
Drive Like Jehu- Yank Crimes 8/10
Egg Hunt
El Santo
Embrace- Embrace 7/10
End of a Year/Self Defense Family
Engine Down
Envy- All the Footprints You've Ever Left need to relisten/10
Everybody Row
Ex Models
F***ed Up
Facel Vega
Fall of Troy
Fall on Deaf Ears
Fear Before
Flashbulb Memory
Flipper- Generic Album 10/10, Gone Fishin' 9/10, American Grafishy 8/10
Foxmoulder- Hindsight 8/10, Lethe 8/10
Fuel (Fuel-gazi)
Fugazi- 13 Songs 7/10, Repeater 8/10, Steady Diet 8/10, In On the Kill Taker 10/10,
Red Medicine 10/10, End Hits need to relisten/10, The Argument need to relisten/10, Furniture 8/10
And We Washed Our Weapons in the Sea 9/10
Get Up Kids- Four Minute Mile 9/10, Things to Write Home About 7/10
Girls Against Boys
Give Up the Ghost
Glassjaw- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence 9/10, Worship and Tribute 8/10
Gray Matter
Gunner's Daughter- Dissolutions 7/10
Hail the Sun
Helmet- Strap It On 6/10
Helms Alee
Hot Cross
Hot Snakes
Hot Water Music- Feul For the Hate Game 8/10, Flight and a Crash 8/10, Caution 9/10
Hum- You'd Prefer an Astronaut 5/10
Husker Du- Metal Circus 9/10, Zen Arcade 10/10, New Day Rising 8/10
I Hate Myself
Indian Summer
Ink & Dagger
Into It. Over It.
Jawbox- Jawbox 9/10
Jawbreaker- Unfun 6/10
Jerome's Dream
Jesus Lizard- Goat 8/10, Liar 9/10
Jet Black
Jets to Brazil
Jimmy Eat World- Bleed American 8/10
Joan of Arc
KEN mode- Entrench 8/10, Success 10/10
Kid Brother Collective
Kill Sadie
Kill Holiday
La Dispute- Vancouver 7/10, Here. Hear. 8/10, Somewhere Between Vega and Altair 9/10, Wildlife 10/10, split with Touche Amore 10/10
La Quite
Leatherface- Mush 8/10
Life At These Speeds
Lifetime- Jersey's Best Dancers 9/10
Loma Prieta
Lumber Lung
Make Do and Mend- End Measured Mile 8/10, Everything You Ever Loved 6/10
Mannequin Hands
McLusky- McLuskey Does Dallas 8/10
Melvins- "June Bug" 9/10
Men as Trees
METZ- METZ 7/10, METZ II 9/10
Milk Teeth
Mineral- Power of Failing need to relisten/10
Minor Threat- "In My Eyes" 7/10
Minutemen- Paranoid Time 8/10, Double Nickels on the Dime 10/10
Moss Icon
Motion City Soundtrack
Naked Raygun- Throb Throb need to relisten/10
Nation of Ulysses- 13 Point Program to Destroy America 7/10
Neon Blonde
No Trend- Teenage Love 9/10, Too Many Humans 7/10
NoMeansNo- Wrong 7/10
Off Minor
Old Gray
One Last Wish
Pianos Become the Teeth
Pissed Jeans- Shallow 7/10, Hope For Man 8/10, King of Jeans 8/10, Honeys 9/10
Please Inform the Captain This is a Hijack
Planes Mistaken for Stars
Poison the Well
Polar Bear Club
Polvo- Today's Active Lifestyles 9/10
Pop Unknown
Propagandhi- Potemkin City Limits 10/10
Q and Not U- No Kill No Beep Beep 8/10
S/T EP 7/10,
Slip 8/10
Red Animal War
Refused- Everlasting EP 9/10, Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent 8/10, The Shape of Punk to Come 10/10
Reggie and the Full Effect
Rites of Spring- Rites of Spring 7/10
Rival Schools
Rollins Band
Rx Bandits
Saccharine Trust-
Paganicons 7/10
Saosin (Anthony Green era)
Scatter the Ashes
Scratch Acid
Seaweed- Despised 4/10, Weak need to relisten/10
Shellac- At Action Park 10/10, 1000 Hurts 9/10
Shudder to Think
Sleeping Body
Slint- Tweez 6/10, Spiderland 10/10
Small Brown Bike- Our Own Wars 10/10
Some Girls
Sonic Youth (pre-Daydream Nation)
Sparta- Wiretap Scars 8/10
Spirit of Versailles
Squirrel Bait
Static is a City- S/T EP need to relisten/10
Strike Anywhere- Change is a Sound 7/10
Strung Out (post-Twisted by Design)
Sunny Day Real Estate- Diary 8/10, LP2 need to relisten/10
Swing Kids- Swing Kids 7" 8/10
Taking Back Sunday
Teethforteeth- There is No Seperation 7/10
Texas is the Reason- Texas is the Reason EP 7/10
The Big Ups
The Birds are Spies, They Report to the Trees- S/T EP (2007) 6/10
The Blood Brothers- This Adultery is Ripe 7/10, March on Electric Children 10/10, Burn Piano Island Burn 10/10
The Bronx- The Bronx I 8/10, The Bronx III 7/10
The Dillinger Escape Plan (One of Us is the Killer)
The Dismemberment Plan
The Effigies
The Faith
The Hotelier- Home Like Noplace Is There 10/10
The Mars Volta- Tremulant EP 8/10, Deloused in the Comatorium 10/10
The Men- Immaculada 7/10, Leave Home 9/10, Open Your Heart 9/10
the Pine
The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower
The Promise Ring
The Shivering
The World is a Beautiful Place and I am No Longer Afraid to Die- Whenever If Ever 9/10, Between Bodies 9/10
Thema Eleven
These Arms are Snakes-
This is Meant to Hurt You 9/10,
Oxeneers 8/10
Thrice- Identity Crisis 8/10, Illusion of Safety 7/10
Thursday- Full Collapse 9/10, War All the Time 6/10
Tiger's Jaw-
Tiger's Jaw 7/10
Title Fight- The Last Thing You Forget 8/10, Shed 9/10, Floral Green 9/10, Hyperview 9/10, Split with Touche Amore 8/10
Touché Amoré- To The Beat of a Dead Horse 9/10, Parting the Sea Between and Me 8/10
Troubled Coast
United Nations
Unpersons- Split with Baroness 8/10
Unsane- Total Desctruction 6/10, Scattered Smothered and Covered 3/10
Unwound- Unwound (1995) 8/10, Leaves Turn Inside You 9/10
Whores- Ruiner 7/10, Clean 8/10
Wit's End
With Love
Wreck of Old '98
Young Widows