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Old 12-29-2015, 02:13 PM   #703 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Then what about life makes it worth protecting? A flat worm is basically just a primitive nerve system with muscles (so far as I know). Should a flat worm be protected in the same way as a human being? Is it just human DNA that should be protected? If so then I refer you to my previous post and human skin cells, sperm, eggs, etc.

You have to have a criteria for what does and does not bear legal protection, unless you want to admit that a human soul is what you're really talking about.
If flatworms were conscious beings, we would probably be seeing somewhat advanced flatworm colonies or something. It seems pretty clear that they are not conscious beings. They work by instinct. However, humans are pretty clearly conscious.

But in general, this discussion is going nowhere for either side. I'm sick of it; it's stupid. Bye.
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