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Thread: Classic Rock
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Old 01-04-2006, 05:36 AM   #301 (permalink)
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I love classic rock, just for the fact that most of the great guitarists were in 'classic rock' bands. They may be old, some even a bit...stiff, but who can do what they did? Hendrix, I mean no one can play like him, or write songs like Stairway, just for the fact that it's plain wierd.
Ever generation needs their mummy's and daddy's heros to look up to in music, and compare to. Or how would music evolve?
I like the fact that no band tried to copy the other, all unique, and most were good at what they did. What bands now day are going to be around aslong as Clapton, or Status Quo?
Im not going to bother naming a bunch of bands I like, just think of all the ones with a cool guitarist.
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