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Old 12-27-2015, 04:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
Country Dippin
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 1
Default Song

I'm new here. Thanks for having me. Can someone help me name a song? It's a very slow song kinda like whiskey lullaby. Female lead with male backup. It's about a woman seeking revenge possibly scorned. The only lines I know are. One is she talks about having a gun and " she'll owe the state the rest of her life". She also says she doesn't know where she's going, but then when she gets there she says to someone who asked if she had any last words. She replies " hell no I didn't come here to make a speech". The chorus is her and possibly 1-2 guys saying something like " as I said" or "what I said". I'm not sure about the chorus but that's what it sounded like. Guys please help me with the name. Thank you
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