Name: Mankycaant
Position: Enforcer
Age: 30
Status: Alive and very dangerous
First Appearance: You Have the Right To Remain Dead
Last Appearance: Current character
There are few people as feared as The Corporation's chief enforcer. Clint Eastwood once said in the movie
Unforgiven that he had “killed everything that walked or crawled at one point”, and this claim can be made too by Manky, and we've seen it borne out over the last four seasons. Introduced midway through season nine, Manky was just a shadow for several episodes, a voice in the night, a knife in the darkness. Little is known of his origins, but it is believed that he studied martial arts, Zen and Origami under Master Yoda himself. Prior to the Jedi's death, of course. If there is one entity that encompasses the Party from
Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Obsidian Order from
Star Trek: Deep Space 9 and The Star Chamber from, well,
The Star Chamber, it is the mysterious and dark organisation known only as The Corporation.
Little is known of this shadowy institution, but it is believed they have operatives at the very highest levels of government and the military, and over the last season hints have been dropped that a New World Order is being planned. Manky is the personification of that order: cold, calculating, ruthless and without an ounce of remorse in his body. It's been said that if you asked him what mercy was, he'd have to look it up in a dictionary. And then kill you with it. His ruthlessness was thrown into sharp relief when, after a two-season romance with Fetcher, the Council of Ten's double agent, he coldly strangled her when her treachery was made known to him. Unconfirmed reports say that there have been sporadic sightings of him at his former lover's grave, but no photographic or video evidence to support this has ever come to light.
Manky is also infamous as the man who killed Janszoon who, in a special guest slot, returned to MB to share some very critical information with the Council. The death of the popular character from the original series so traumatised some viewers that the telephone numbers of counselling services were screened after the episode,
S13:E20: A True Hero, aired. Those same services reported being swamped within moments, with the network of one, SHOULDER, crashing within ten minutes.