12-25-2015, 04:41 PM
#69 (permalink)
The Big Dog
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Scotland
Posts: 1,989
Album: Cemetery Highrise Slum
Artist: Creepoid
Release Date: June 23rd 2015
Genre: Shoegaze, Newgaze
Place In Artist's Discography: 3rd LP
Highest Individual List Ranking: 4th - Exo
Overall Points - 17
Originally Posted by Exo
Creepoid - Cemetery High Rise Slum
Yeah, I'm championing this. Fantastic 3rd release from what is now my favorite band. It's fuzzy. It's loud. It's new shoegaze. Newgaze? Nah, that sounds lame. Anyway, I love this band way too much. It's unhealthy.
Well, I love their self titled a hell of a lot more but it's still a wonderful album full of classic shoegaze riffs and dirty hooks. It's like if Nirvana, Sonic Youth, and MBV all had a baby. Some may find it derivative, but the sound just speaks to me.
- Exo
Album: Abyss
Artist: Chelsea Wolfe
Release Date: August 7th 2015
Genre: Neo-Gothic, Darkwave
Place In Artist's Discography: 7th LP
Highest Individual List Ranking: 3rd - Exo
Overall Points - 17
Originally Posted by Exo
Chelsea Wolfe - Abyss
Album of the year right now for me shared with Creepoid. It's miles above her other work as a whole. I really like a bunch of her other tracks and some not so much. This album is just perfect. Every single song flows so well with each other and it seems a bit more...intense? Better produced? I'm not sure but it's lovely.
Originally Posted by Frownland
The new record kicks some serious ass. That is all.
Originally Posted by Exo
It grows on you like a hipster mustache in Williamsburg.
Album: Sun Coming Down
Artist: Ought
Release Date: September 18th 2015
Genre: Post-Punk, Art Punk
Place in Artist's Discography: 2nd LP
Highest Individual Ranking: 6th - Justthefacts
Overall Points - 17
Originally Posted by Justthefacts
Only last year they released More Than Any Other Day and for me an instant classic. They've done it again here, maybe even more.
Originally Posted by sidewinder
I didn't love More Than Any Other Way, the vocals annoyed me pretty often. I'm liking this one more.
Originally Posted by Frownland
Just started the new Ought album and it's pretty good. I agree with what someone else said on here (sidewinder I think?) about the vocals being much better. It's not like I thought the vocals on the debut were bad, but I find the new ones a lot more interesting.
As with most people, I was first introduced to this band through their debut LP More Than Any Other Day. An album that I consider to be one of the best of this decade, and one that set the bar incredibly high for me. Whilst I believe they fell slightly short with this sophomore effort, I was far from disappointed. They retained their quirky songwriting, bombastic attitude and balance between repetition, energy and fun.
Earlier this year I spent a week in New York, and the clear highlight of the whole trip was going to the Mercury Lounge to watch them live. Their performance solidified this bands place in my heart, and added a whole new layer to the album that I already loved.
Stand out tracks: Men for Miles and Beautiful Blue Sky.
- Goofle
Tomorrow, albums that earned more than 17 points enter the field. What will happen??? Stay tuned folks.
Last edited by 14232949; 12-26-2015 at 10:01 AM.