Enjoying J.M.R. Higgs' newly-published The 20th Century: An Alternative History - an analysis of 20th century art, culture, and philosophy. Highly engaging, wonderful stuff.
I'm also surveying Chomsky's writings. I'd wished to read material more relevant to the mobile media era and was delighted to find Chomsky.info packed with recent interviews and articles discussing Occupy, Charlie Hebdo, the Paris attacks, Israel, Hamas, and Gaza, the US surveillance state, and American terrorism.
Next I plan to further explore anarchro-syndicalism and democratic socialism as post-capitalist systems of a more participatory government.
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
You are quite simply one of the most unique individuals I've ever met in my 680+ months living on this orb.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
You are to all of us what Betelgeuse is to the sun in terms of musical diversity.
Originally Posted by Exo_
You sir are a true character. I love it.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
You, sir, are a nerd's nerd.
Originally Posted by Marie Monday
Just chiming in to declare that your posts are a source of life and wholesomeness
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