Originally Posted by Hip-Hop Homework
you didn't find the similarities to New Hope to be really unimaginative?
Oh god yes. They spent so much time trying to relive old glories that the movie never actually developed a personality of its own.
And one thing that's bugging me: what the hell is the power dynamic between the New Republic and the First Order? We know there is a Resistance, which implies that the First Order is the more powerful, but the New Republic had control of Coruscant, and was apparently capable enough of defending it that the First Order couldn't conventionally, and had to use a superweapon against it.
In the first trilogy it was very clear that the Rebellion's fight against the Empire was next to hopeless, and the Empire was a towering figure of malevolence to strike fear into the hearts of children and puppies. But I have no idea about the First Order, which makes it pretty hard to set up tension.