Uhh Kylo is not a Sith lord. Snoke isn't either until we can confirm if he is Darth Plageuis. It makes sense why he got beat to crap because of how torn he is between the light and the dark sides. I think in 8 he will not be as much of a push over.
My overall thought on the movie...
It was really good. Just not great. They sidelined a ton of characters I was really excited to see explored (Captain Phasma and Poe Damaran) But what they created was the setup to something bigger. Starkiller Base didn't feel as sinister as the Deathstar. It was defeated pretty easily. I did feel the emotion though with the encounter between Han and Ren. That was a little heart wrenching,
What is infinite yet always equal to one?
Enter the Domain - The Identity Matrix Domain
" I'm not a prophet or a stone aged man, just a mortal with potential of a superman. I'm living on." - David Bowie
Originally Posted by grindy
Just don't piss in his mouth or shove stuff in his dick. He tends to frown upon that.