Originally Posted by prisoner437x3y0
What did you think?
I'll have to give that a go.
Anybody else think there has been a decided lack in original films recently?
I'm really excited for Revenant
haha, Iunno if it was decided but yeah...lack of originality has been trending for a minute now.
I was pretty pleased with Fury, last year. I think Lone Survivor came out last year too...both of those were really good, in my opinion. The Cap' America sequel was pretty good.
This year hasn't been all that great in terms of quality productions tho...for what it's worth there's a mirrored lull in creativity for video games also.
Everybody is copying everybody else's formula for success 'cause financiers want a recipe to get rich...lost sight of how to cross the finish line first 'cause they're all lost, lookin' for shortcuts.