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Old 12-07-2015, 06:06 AM   #56 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by Kingsc23 View Post
New Wave didn't become "vague" term into the mid 80's. Before that it was a actual sound, you could hear in the music; somewhere down the line it become pop rock. I listen to a lot of music, so I hear things different from others, even things not intended by the artist.
If we are only talking about a certain period in time then their can be a discussion on what is and is not New wave during the period of 1971 to 1981.

There is even a discussion on what is New wave through the 80s before as you say mid 80s is becomes an easier term to throw around and call synth pop such.

So how about we do that?

You throw down some videos on what you consider New wave and more so your absolute best showcase of what is New wave as well as what you do not consider and see if you can make us come around, you have over 15 posts this is possible for you.

So if your citing Whip it and Beautiful world as thee most New wave songs of Devo that you at least know of. Then maybe the two albums that featured them might contain more.

Which both these albums are very early 80s.

Freedom of Choice album from 1980 featuring Whip It.

New Traditionalists album from 1981 featuring Beautiful world.

Which when looking for an example of thee most New wave Devo tracks I found myself sifting through these two albums the most, which also houses the punky Gates of Steel.
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