Yesterday I finished the game. Yay ? Not really. The Brotherhood of Steel quest line was ... it reminded me of fallout 3 - it was almost good, but not good enough. I won't spoil anything but I have to say the BoS way must be the least interesting way of finishing the game. I mean I hope it is, if it's not.. it will make me sad.
I also have to agree with what PCGamer Uk wrote in an article - Fallout 4 is a very good shooter, but it's not that good an RPG. I enjoyed id immensely but I like both shooters and RPG games. For someone who wants to minimize the shooting aspect, it will be boring.
Anyway, here's some screenshots to wrap up my Boston adventure, for now at least. The 1st one is a fully upgraded x-01 torso and helmet and t-60 arms and legs power armor with a very nice paint job and.. a jetpack

The other 3 are my final base - Kingsport Lighthouse. It is imo the prettiest settlement out there, initially it looks like this:

And after I'm done with it: