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Old 11-29-2015, 12:56 AM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Where exactly is the tipping point where the new market (refugees) becomes too large to be a benefit to the economy (or vice versa)? In the end it might just be a non-issue since these people will be spending money as well. Someone who's done or is dedicated enough to do my research for me is free to help out here.
Anyone who tries to answer you is wrong. In theory it is a short term investment in all the social assistance programs they will need that will pay off in the long run with them spending and being taxed, but you have to take too many other factors into account to answer that question. I mean, it would take the immigrants being a huge enough drain to make the countries default multiple times so they can't borrow as cheaply just for starters.

The sad truth is, though, that a lot of these countries overfunded their social safety nets relative to what they actually have to work with, so it's a more real possibility that this could hurt them than it should be. The answer is always "rise taxes on the wealthy" but in the last 5 years I think it's been made pretty apparent that there is a point where those rich people say **** this and move to another country.

But it'll probably be fine eventually.
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