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Old 11-26-2015, 09:46 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
People are too nervous about the wrong things.

To me, one of the worst and most damaging ideals lately is how people seem to always stop doing good things because one bad thing happened. For example, the whole vaccination thing. A few kids a year have serious negative reactions and all of a sudden we should ban vaccination all together as if the hundreds of thousands of other kids who turned out fine and now won't die of smallpox and polio don't matter any more.

One kid brings a gun to school in his backpack? Welp, no more backpacks.
One guy made a bomb in his shoe? Welp, everybody take their shoes off during TSA security.

Don't even get me started on how much we limit the freedom of children now because a few got kidnapped or neglected. I used to roam the streets of NYC when I was barely a teenager. My parents would be thrown in jail now if that happened.

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