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Old 11-26-2015, 05:37 AM   #224 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ki View Post
I just always find it interesting that people use these types of events as a "fad" instead of actually doing something. I mean I get it that they want to show support, but what and who are they helping if all they're doing is changing the color of their profile picture. Exactly...nothing and nobody.
I would have to agree, but then Facebook reactions are often a case of "me too!" once someone does it. Not to say there weren't genuine reactions there, of course there were. But much of it would definitely have been a case of "Oh look! Someone's changed their profile to a French flag! I'll do that too!" without perhaps even thinking about why they were doing it.

I can't say, of course, as I have nothing to do with Social Media, but seems to me that a more positive reaction would have been to have maybe started up an online "book of condolences", or contributed to a fund for the families of those who lost loved ones.

It is weird though: last night, our news led with a local story, three or four more, the Russian jet being downed and then a vague reference to the attacks. How quickly it gets shunted down the news schedule.

On a related point, they hilariously showed our "armed forces" going through a three-day exercise war game in readiness for an attack. IS must be pissing themselves laughing!

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