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Old 11-19-2015, 01:43 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nurse Duckett View Post
Ive got this feeling that Le Frog might not fancy hosting the Euros, if that's the case where will they be held. I had a think about it and as i was looking at a map of Europe it became obvious to me that Britain is the only place capable of holding the tournament. The Kraut obviously have the stadia etc, but they're spineless. The Italians are renowned for their cowardice so i really cant see them wanting to host it. The rest of Europe is so dumbed down and PC that they'd get us all killed, just leaves Britain doesn't it. Fingers crossed.
You're just a racist at heart aren't you? You might as well admit it. What about the drunken Irish and the pale Swedes huh? Also, you seem to --- well not seem to, you do --- approve of organised gangs of English thugs going abroad to cause trouble and start violence. Aren't you in the least worried about the already-fragile reputation of English soccer fans? And you're encouraging this??
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