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Old 11-17-2015, 04:31 AM   #140 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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I have no issue with people denouncing Ki, JWB, and my posts in this thread. I'm not going to apologize for my posts themselves (as I don't feel ashamed for making jokes in general), but I am sorry that I apparently offended so many people. I love to get under people's skin, but actively offending them isn't something I desire to do.

I feel more embarrassed that most of my posts (but not the very first couple or so) were made when I was too drunk to really show good judgement, since that's a symptom of a personal issue that I won't go into out of respect for not making this about me. But that's not the main reason I'd say what I said, as the 24-hour, "If it bleeds it leads" news cycle has made it hard for me connect with events that I hear about only through the media and have no personal connection with. Maybe that makes me callous, but it is what it is, I guess.

But I understand that others have every right to take offense at my comments, and given the circumstances I also understand how they might and have reacted, so I'm not going to take them to task for keeping this going days after the original incident stopped.

I am however going to ask the people complaining about Exo's actions to chill out. These discussions never do anything but cause escalating drama, and the mods were totally justified in moderating a thread of this nature, not to mention one which is in a discussion area of the site. Additionally, I recognize that incidents like this, whether or not I feel the same as others about my actual comments, do legitimately have a negative effect on the atmosphere and culture of the site, so I'm fine with the mods drawing a line in the sand in order to keep this site from becoming just a "playground" for a few individuals.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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