Originally Posted by Ki
I made the jokes about the whole thing. JWB was actually quite tame. That's why I'm.confused as to whyhe was banned, and that I got away no problem. Not that I want a ban, but Jwb wasn't nearly as bad in this thread as I was.
I've no idea what you said, but this here - this haughty way of evaluating life based on where one lives is offensive. Anyone who thinks a Bangladeshi or Bhutanese life is worth less than a British or American life is wholly ignorant:
Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth
tbh i think subconciously we rank 1st world deaths over 3rd world deaths since life in the 3rd world is already **** so i guess it seems like less of a loss
for example we cared a lot about japan's tsunami even through they're not our people. probably wouldn't have cared if it was cambodia or something.