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Old 11-16-2015, 03:33 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ki View Post
I made the jokes about the whole thing. JWB was actually quite tame. That's why I'm.confused as to whyhe was banned, and that I got away no problem. Not that I want a ban, but Jwb wasn't nearly as bad in this thread as I was.
That's not an explanation of why you think you're the reason the posts got deleted. They were deleted because the entire mod team and site was offended with what was in here and I came in and deleted them all. So, it's not your decision when we stop talking about it. I'm done with it, but some people feel the need to highlight how sh*tty the beginning of this thread was. That's their right. It obviously wasn't just you, and I don't mean to point you out, although you're doing a great job of leading me to it.

Ki, you're not a bad person. Nobody thinks you're a bad person. You, along with others, were being assh*les. Take some responsibility, show some humility, ignore this thread if you have to, and move on. Just don't complain about how people react to something you said. That's not your call. You gave that up.

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