i'm all for debate. i was saying i don't like the militant athiest approach to debate.
the one true church, as the pope would say
previously atheism was literally repressed... so clearly making it more of a mainstream concept is going to make it more popular
yea... but my fundamental thing here is atheists should think twice about the idea that we should work/strive towards a world without religion. cause that basically sets us on a collision course with these people.
i completely agree... or more important than any of that, open the liquor store on sundays and on time god damnit

no... what motivates them is exactly what i said. what gives them a legal case is what you said. they cite the establishment clause of the first amendment, which says something like "congress shall not respect any institution of religion" or some****, not seperation of church and state which is a revisionist interpretation of said clause.
but it could be they're technically right about the establishment clause, and townhall nativity scenes are completely unconstitutional. even so... i'm a advocate of picking your fights... and this one seems to have little to no pragmatic value, it's simply a symbolic fight. and pragmatically we just end up looking like a bunch of grinches, so it might as well be an anti-atheism smear campaign.