Originally Posted by DeadChannel
I think the extent that militant atheists go to is largely because a lot of problems in the world are caused by religion. If that's the case, and religion is not an accurate portrayal of reality, then it's worth opposing. Especially considering the fact that in plenty of places, irreligiosity is frowned on or actively discriminated against, and it's often the case that even some matters of the law rely on ancient books that are not apparently true or apparently not true.
I try to not be a dick about it, and it bugs me when people are, but I'm totally willing to have the debate. But, then, I'm willing to debate most topics without having my feelings hurt.
i disagree my friend
for the simple reason that you will never convince the vast bulk of religious people to be rational
and even most atheists are irrational and only parrot talking points fed to them by the intelligentsia
added to the fact that religious people have a significant emotional investment in their religion, to the extent that it has shaped our practices, rituals, sense of art and beauty etc and they simply aren't going to be moved from that rock
so all you'll do by being a militant atheist is create yet another unnecessary schism in the human race, by stirring up resentment from the other side
like really who is helped by taking a nativity scene down? i'm an atheist, i live in the south, you think i give a **** that the townhall has a nativity scene? give me a break. what motivates people to put up that nativity scene is honoring a tradition and celebrating a holiday. what motivates the atheist alliance from freedom foundation or whateverthe**** to try to take it down is "HEY! THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. I'M HERE TOO. SOMEBODY NOTICE ME."
nah sit down and shut up you ratchet looking atheist bitch