I'm trying to keep as neutral a stance as I can dude. That's why I un-banned you. You didn't do anything to get get banned when you got banned and I had a problem with that, especially after I gave you a warning about some of the language you use against other users on this site. The beginning of this thread was offensive. The post I made was to settle the sh*t, which I admit may have started to settle already when I made my post, but I worked all weekend and it wasn't really addressed. I could have just banned you, ki, and Bats for a week for those comments, which were reported by the way and had numerous users in this thread offended.
This is a music forum. Part of the moderator team's job is to make this an enjoyable place to come and talk about music and other things. It's not fun when sh*t like that is being posted about an allies tragedy.
This isn't a debate website or a joke website. It's an all ages music website that is VERY liberal on what can be posted. We just don't allow EVERYTHING you can think of, offensive or not, to be posted.
There has to be a line. I drew the line.