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Old 11-15-2015, 10:34 AM   #76 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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you ever think about tact? if you wanted to kill those jokes the best thing you could've done is deleted them and said not a word about it. maybe privately warned the members involved via pm.

but yea... if you really thought more jokes were coming then you don't understand comedy very well, my friend. batlord and ki tried some jokes and they flopped bad. so they promptly stopped making jokes. i doubt they were going to come back and try the same failed bit again.

and drawing the line... while i respect your authority to do so... i am going to voice my opinion that it's bull****. people joke about all sorts of **** where the actual event that is at the root of the joke wasn't pleasant in reality. they joke about ww2, the holocaust, slavery, jesus hanging on a cross, 9-11. you can say "those types of jokes are never funny" but the problem is you can't control that. somebody might come along and make a funny one. then some will say oh you can joke about bad **** but there's the vague waiting period... "too soon, man, it's too fresh." please. you didn't experience anything. unless you knew someone who died, you really have no legit leg to stand on acting so sanctimonious. you're just another person that watched it on the news. you haven't suffered a trauma, my friend. you aren't being triggered. this is all a bunch of bull**** to me. just people posturing with their serious face on as if it makes the slightest bit of difference with regard to the amount of suffering that the tragedy has caused and will continue to cause.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
You need to find another forum.
yea you might be right. i guess it's true what they say about broken clocks.
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