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Old 11-14-2015, 09:23 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
This just confuses me. Just yesterday I think almost like 50 were killed in Beirut, large amounts of people die from things like this on an almost daily basis and nobody says anything about it really... then it happens at a concert in a first world country and it's like the planet stops spinning. It's creepy to me. Where is this level of outrage the other hundred thousand times this happens?

I guess that's why I have a hard time taking reactions on forums seriously. I think it's mostly just people hamming it up. Someone will get all mad that someone said something that wasn't 100% supportive even though those same people usually say absolutely nothing.
That's true as well. The media sure does it's part in not bringing those events to light.

There really isn't anything we can do about it but honor their memories though. To most, cracking jokes is the equivalent of apathy.
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