Oneohtrix Point Never "Garden of Delete"
I've been waiting for this one for months. I've really been liking this a lot, "Animals" is one of my favorite OPN tunes melody wise, and "Mutant Standard" is pretty much one of his most complex and crazy.
Rabit "Communion"
Ever since I gave his EP "Baptizm" release I've been just wanting more of this. It's so disgusting and violent, combining dark ambient, industrial, and UK Grime into a thing of horror. If you were to throw TG, and 90's grime into a blender with body parts and black sludge, it would be this.
Clark "Flame Rave"
Clark has been a bit hit or miss with me, his last two albums didn't really strike much of a chord, but the proceeding EPs did for some reason. His synth work is lush as **** for his more club-like tracks "To Live And Die In Grantham" are worth buying the entire EP.