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Old 10-27-2015, 01:29 PM   #1117 (permalink)
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: the void
Posts: 41

holy **** holy **** holy ****

I had something awesome happen early this morning. I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep and I was remembering about some woman from a small group I used to be in talking about how she had had sex before marriage but she found out on her wedding day that God had completely restored her not only spiritually but also physically,

I was like God could you please do that for me too. My future husband that you have for me deserves that gift that I can't give him anymore. As soon as I had finished praying I felt something going on in the vaginal area and I was like oh my gosh something is actually happening. After a little while I thought to myself I have got to test this out and I was so tight I couldn't even get a finger all the way in. God has restored me to the way I was before I had sex. It was like He was saying that He loves me and has forgiven me and here's a physical sign that you are truly clean and you need to forgive yourself.
this is ****IN wild
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