Originally Posted by Wpnfire
That's not exactly fair.
Say for example, a healthy bit of bantering is going on in a thread that she is interested in. She walks in to observe the discussion, and sits quietly in the corner. All of a sudden, Yorkdaddy makes an off-hand comment about MJ and SoulfFlower pulls out a hand grenade, yanks the pin, and throws it into the group of posters.
The grenade explodes, shrapnel flys everywhere, knocking members senseless, and shredding all posts made in the thread hitherto with a bombastic blitzkrieg of paragraphs rife with logical fallacies in an all-out, wall-of-text post.
She then subsequently loses all rational thought and pulls out an M16 and fires away at anyone who opposes her. He hail of hollow-logic bullets did not discriminate. Mods, women, children, the elderly, transgenders (?), no one was safe from her sights. She didn't just de-rail threads, she blockaded the thread from ever progressing, and THAT is why she was banned.
Her behavior was also legitimately disturbing. She made quality posts, but it was like she had split personality disorder where 25% of the time she was cool, but the other 75% of the time she was a schizophrenic. I know of at least one time where she completely and totally contradicted herself outright right in front of me, and she ignored it! That's not the mindset of a contirbuting member, that's not even the mindset of a sane person!
I really don't think you can argue that she didn't consistently break rules enough to warrant a ban, but her sure fire, thread de-railing behavior will not be missed, and as Yorkedaddy said earlier, you can now be free to speak your mind without a wave of vitriol being sent hurtling in your direction.