Originally Posted by monkeytennis
She didn't provoke anybody into posting anything, you do have the choice to ignore things, people make their own posts. And there were plenty of times I saw posters bitch about her in threads for no reason so she just replied back.
If somebody calls me a racist and I know I'm not, I just ignore it or counter it and explain why I am not racist (if I can even be arsed). It's hardly ban worthy.
Her ban was a long time coming growing out of a number of incidents. It wasn't a case of one rule she broke. She stopped talking about music and just devolved into a one way road towards starting sh*t with other people. She consistently said that the forum sucked and everybody sucked, and left for four months only to come back and say the same sh*t.
Other members can be bastards in their own right, but they talk about music and help this website maintain some sort of activity. Soulflower had no purpose other than trolling in the end.