Originally Posted by Janszoon
Having seen the Flaming Lips and White Stripes on tour together, this made me chuckle.
Detest is a strong word, but I'm not really a fan of them. For one thing, I hate seeing bands in large venues—I want to actually see the bands, you know. Since a lot of the time festivals have bands that normally play smaller venues, I'd rather see those bands in those smaller venues. Another thing is that festivals tend to be in the summer, so it's hot, which makes it hard for me to enjoy the experience. Also the crowd is huge, which tends to make everything—from getting a drink to using the bathroom to just finding the people you're with—a pain in the ass. And lastly, most of the time, you have drive to and from festivals, which is a hassle. I'd rather go to a show that I can walk or take public transportation to and not have to worry about how much I've had to drink.
You saw the Flaming Lips live?! That sounds amazing actually. I don't like crowds but that's a show I'd love to see. Are they good live???
Edit: okay guess I got a little giddy and overzealous there, hehe... Just read the rest of your post. Moot question