Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds
Bob Dylan expired as soon as he converted to Christianity and proceeded to produce the most uninspired shite imaginable.
I don't agree with this at all. These are all of the albums from his weak period. The bolded ones are the ones that I would say I like, italicized are the ones that I would say I dislike.
Slow Train Coming
Shot of Love (can I just bold "Every Grain of Sand"? It's one of his best songs IMO)
Empire Burlesque
Knocked Out Loaded
Down in the Groove
Oh Mercy
Under the Red Sky
Good as I Been to You
World Gone Wrong
That's, like, pretty okay! And even if you hate all of those, he's made Time Out of Mind, Love & Theft, Modern Times, and Tempest since then - four albums ranging from "very solid" to "great". I don't think it makes sense to say he's ever been "past his expiration date".