Originally Posted by Tristan Geoff
Made Do and Mend = expiry date = some point after End Measured Mile
I've never heard of this band, but then again I am now too old and irrelevant for to be a young hipster, so I'll have to check them out.
Originally Posted by ladyislingering
One that comes to mind immediately: The Cars reached their absolute expiration date after Heartbeat City but should have given it up after Candy-O.
The Cars = Expiry Date = after Heartbreak City.
Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds
Bob Dylan expired as soon as he converted to Christianity and proceeded to produce the most uninspired shite imaginable.
David Bowie has yet to expire, despite going for almost fifty years.
With a couple exceptions, Iggy Pop expired after the Stooges.
Agreed on David Bowie, he remained relevant throughout the 90's with his work with Trent Reznor, and has made another comeback. He just may be one of those artists who's RIP is their expiry date.
Disagree with Iggy, though Lust for Life was a big deal and he did seem to stay relevant in the 80's with the Repo Man soundtrack and the 90's with the trainspotting soundtrack...but yes after Lust for Life he goes into a notable decline.
I've never been a Bob Dylan fan, so I'll take your word for it.