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Old 10-10-2015, 08:25 PM   #2 (permalink)
midnite roles around
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I kind of find most of my favorite bands are ones that adapt their sound with time and don't tend to stale... this might take some thought.

Ok, probably Make Do and Mend. Bodies of Water and End Measured Mile, whie they did constantly give you reminders of Hot Water Music and Small Brown Bike, were extremely good. It was fresh enough with what new sounds they brought to the plate that their influences just didn't offer, that everyone didn't care how much they sounded like them.

The problem after EMM, was that they couldn't do much else. They re-hashed the same formula and made it increasingly more radio-friendly sounding, to the point where it was a tedious listen. Granted, it's not bad music. I actually enjoyed at least a few songs from their next album, but it just couldn't strike a chord like their original work could.

Made Do and Mend = expiry date = some point after End Measured Mile
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