Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody
Since there is a Canadian election around the corner, a forum about Canadian politics. (and a poll who you will vote for)
It will be interesting to see who people will vote for. I myself have no political allegiance, I simply (as I believe most people do subconsciously) vote for the party that is going to increase my happiness and life expectancy.
Which is why I'll be voting NDP this time round, as they plan to do the most for student loan debt, the Conservatives F'd me over by consolidating my loans thereby making it harder to pay off.
This is the thing that bothers me about American politics. We've been so trained to throw in our allegiance to one party and demonize the other, that we eventually cease to think critically about their specific policies, making them basically one size fits all.
We need more pragmatism and less ideology. I might agree with many libertarian policies, but it's become almost like a religion, where the concept of personal liberty has become a moral, rather than political stance (i.e. government intervention is wrong because it's theft-by-taxation and quasi-totalitarianism, rather than because they just don't think it works).