Originally Posted by Black Francis
Ive always thought Punk is all about rebelliousness.
Before punk bands even know how to play they have the attitude of punk as their main drive learning how to play tends to come second. ive always thought the spirit of punk is tied to the youth sense of defiance, alot of them speak of anarchy and follow a punk ethic that hardly stands for anything except pure rebelliousness.
I think this why most punks don't stay a punk forever, even the bands spearheading the movements eventually mature and break out of the punk movement because for most ppl being a punk was just a phase.
That's not to say you can't enjoy punk music without being a punk, even if you move on you can enjoy the music for what it is without tying your identity to it.
I think that's accurate for the most part. At least in the early days. I guess when the bands attitudes about life changed the fans' did too.
For instance, you really don't see as much law breaking from punks. Graffiti? Yeah, that's still common. But look at some of the biggest festivals of the genre. Riot Fest in Chicago and The Fest in Gainesville. Now look at the kind of people that go. It's mostly college kids and skate punks, right? They may not break rules but they'll rebel in other ways. I always saw part of this as punk fans being openminded. Mostly this means eradicating gender roles and being open to a wide variety of people. Gays, Muslims, feminists and a lot of other groups have found their place in the scene because of it.