Music Banter - View Single Post - Cheesy Repetitive new "ROCK" bands
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Old 12-29-2005, 10:57 PM   #3 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 418

Originally Posted by Alexisonfire
I don't think they're cheesy..cheesy is like Manowar..and they aren't exactly new..

3 Doors Down: 2000
Nickelback: 2000
Creed: 1997

5 Years on the first two and seven on the second, thats not really new...
Plus 3 Doors Down and Nickelback use to be good.
They were heavy distortionized (new word!) hard rock bands.
Yes, Nickelback has changed for the worse quite a bit!!!If people are introduced to Nickelback nowadays, they might be disappointed, but "Silver Side Up" and "The State" were some great hard rock albums...
...They surely put on some incredibly energized shows at that time too!!!
Creed was good as well!!!Creed had musicians that could really showcase their talents well live!!!3dd was always cheesy, ya know?I don't think 3dd will ever change being a cheesy band...
...They still have fans and earn alot of cash too!!!
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