Originally Posted by DeadChannel
I like to think of myself as a person who is pretty open minded when it comes to music. That is to say, I make a point of trying out things from most genres of music.
What genres do you not listen to? Not genres that you don't like, but one's that you just haven't given a chance?
You people in this thread are mentioning a few genres I'm not even sure I've ever heard of. "Trap"... ? No idea what that is! But then, I tend to ignore the more specific genre terms. "Slam" metal is honestly just regular death metal to me, but I don't want to start a genre discussion. I'm just going to approach DeadChannel's question from the angle that I'm only thinking in terms of the major "umbrella"-genres, so...
Opera: I feel like I should give it a fair shake, but every time opera is used in a movie soundtrack I feel compelled to cover my ears
Gospel: I'm probably terrible and wrong, but I just never could see it as anything that belonged outside of a religious context, but I guess people really do listen to it at home?
Country: This one doesn't really count since I have tried. I just wanted to say that I really, really dislike country. Very much. Except I guess Neko Case is allright.
Funk, Reggae and Classical: Not by any means suggesting that these genres are all the same, just that I relate to them in the same way. I imagine I could like them all, but I just never tried all that hard and I don't seem to care about the most well known stuff (Bob Marley, Beethoven, what have you). Maybe some obscure stuff would turn me on to any of those three genres.