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Old 08-27-2015, 01:32 AM   #75 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DeadChannel View Post
I like to think of myself as a person who is pretty open minded when it comes to music. That is to say, I make a point of trying out things from most genres of music.

What genres do you not listen to? Not genres that you don't like, but one's that you just haven't given a chance?
You people in this thread are mentioning a few genres I'm not even sure I've ever heard of. "Trap"... ? No idea what that is! But then, I tend to ignore the more specific genre terms. "Slam" metal is honestly just regular death metal to me, but I don't want to start a genre discussion. I'm just going to approach DeadChannel's question from the angle that I'm only thinking in terms of the major "umbrella"-genres, so...

Opera: I feel like I should give it a fair shake, but every time opera is used in a movie soundtrack I feel compelled to cover my ears

Gospel: I'm probably terrible and wrong, but I just never could see it as anything that belonged outside of a religious context, but I guess people really do listen to it at home?

Country: This one doesn't really count since I have tried. I just wanted to say that I really, really dislike country. Very much. Except I guess Neko Case is allright.

Funk, Reggae and Classical: Not by any means suggesting that these genres are all the same, just that I relate to them in the same way. I imagine I could like them all, but I just never tried all that hard and I don't seem to care about the most well known stuff (Bob Marley, Beethoven, what have you). Maybe some obscure stuff would turn me on to any of those three genres.

Last edited by MicShazam; 08-27-2015 at 01:34 AM. Reason: spelling and formatting
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