Originally Posted by Exo
Two members are trying to discuss this with you and you are dancing on the line of what you believe while adding sarcasm at the end.
I haven't said what I believe in...but I'll get back to my backward parenting.
Look, you either believe in vaccinations or you don't. If you don't want to disclose that, that's fine, but stop pouring gas on the fire you're creating.
I'd rather have to moderate an actual debate than a sh*tfire started for no reason and has no purpose.
It's not as simple as believing in vaccinations or not. I'm neither pro nor anti vax. Do I think vax are useful? Of course. Do I think they are one size fits all? Of course not.... What about children with preexisting diagnoses such as autoimmune disorders? Are their parents crazy for not wanting wanting to shoot their children up with viruses? Of course not. And neither are the parents of healthy children's go vax in order to prevent horrible diseases either. both types are parents are doing what they believe to be best for their OWN children, because that's what a good parents do.
But to rabidly pretend like the issue is black and white and start throwing out labels like "abusive parent"....