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Old 07-28-2015, 09:05 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by neardeathexperience View Post
Your Mother Should Have Known Better in my opinion does not even come close to anything that was offered on Sgt. Pepper nor does Flying, even Fool On The Hill is weak from a lyric and musical standpoint......Most of the songs presented on MMT were "singles". Six of the 11 songs were brought out as singles hardly a stellar writing commitment..........Don't get me wrong those 6 songs are probably the best on the entire album.....Strawberry Fields is a stunning song, but to be honest at one time the Beatles fully intended to have Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields included on the Sgt. Pepper album!
^ Strictly speaking the MMT album, as released in the US, was a compilation album, which makes your comment a bit puzzling, neardeath. Are you complaining that a compilation album compiled old singles?

In England, MMT was released in a rather irritating double-EP format with six songs on it. The US record company quite sensibly fleshed it out with old singles to make a full album. But it means that in comparing Sgt. P to MMT, we are comparing an album that was composed and produced as an entity with an album that was patched together to suit marketing policy.
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