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Old 07-26-2015, 12:38 PM   #5999 (permalink)
Still sends his reguards.
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Trying to get out of the cat town....
Posts: 5,039

what the's only over a month old

What's your favorite piece of art?
Joseph Beuys - I like America and America Likes Me

I May 1974 Joseph Beuys first stepped onto American soil at JFK airport...He was wrapped in a grey wool shroud and put onto an ambulance stretcher....they ambulance transported him to an art gallery in New York City where he spent several days locked up with nothing but a bowl of water, a cane, the shroud, a pile of straw, a bundle of The Wall Street Journal (delivered daily), and a wild coyote.....after about 7 days he was removed from the enclosure put back into an ambulance and transported back to JFK to leave America.

What's your favorite Youtube video?
anything involving Shia LaBeouf

At what point in your life did you start doing your own laundry? Be honest. We'll know if you're lying.
I honestly do not remember....but i think at some point in my mid teens

How many days a week do you spend completely by yourself?
it seems to me these days the only time i spend by myself is when i'm running and cycling.....and i do both as often as i can

Do you believe in an afterlife? If not, what would your ideal afterlife be if it existed?
No i do not....i believe in energy transference....My ideal afterlife would involve rivers of whiskey and trees that grew narcotic pills as fruits

If your government enforced a new rule that required you to wear a hat whenever you're in public, what kind of hat would you wear?


i just tried to buy one but unfortunately they are out of stock
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