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Old 07-26-2015, 03:32 AM   #220 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 12

I'm an ISTJ.
Practical, logical, judgy, blunt, unyielding... Sounds about right.

The ISTJ is the behind-the-scenes worker making things happen, preferring to be the engine room. Their value to the team is protection - from mistakes, from omissions, from self-delusion and from going off-track. The ISTJ loves seeing things come to fruition. Ideas, complexity and imagination are of value only if they lead to a practical end result.

An ISTJ needs to be clear on what is expected, and then will plan and work with consistent and steady energy towards completion. Opinions are slowly arrived-at and, consequently will be well-thought-out, tried and tested. Logical, detached and detailed, ISTJs pride themselves on their store of data and knowledge, all arrived at with clinical procedure and experience. They take great care not to get it wrong and like everyone to take responsibility for their actions - and their mistakes.

The ISTJ may not have been the one to set the goals but they will make sure they are met - to the letter, working methodically, carefully and taking it very personally. Everything is taken literally (with no irony) and they pride themselves on being careful and accurate about ‘the facts.’

Quiet and thoughtful, the ISTJ work best when they are clear on what is expected and then allowed to get on with it without interruption or interference from others, preferably in a familiar way in familiar surroundings. The ISTJ does not like being thrown in at the deep-end and they have to feel that whatever they are being asked to do makes logical sense. The new, the untried worries the ISTJ as they rely instinctively on experience and the tried and tested.

Concentration, willpower and persistence epitomises the ISTJ approach to work and they will begin at the beginning and end at the end - no deviations, whims or detours! Spontaneity and flexibility are less important to the ISTJ who may simply plough on alone and will be difficult to deflect from the task at hand. This makes the ISTJ less willing to change unless the rationale is crystal clear and makes sense otherwise they may dig their heels in. Conservative, risk-averse and methodical ISTJs come into their own when it needs a steady hand and abject attention to detail. And they are unlikely to EVER drop the ball.

TL;DR: I kill at parties.

Last edited by InStereo; 07-26-2015 at 03:40 AM.
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