Originally Posted by Entered
So Girls Can Ask Questions About Boys And Vis Versa, Pointless Really Then Zee Keeps Having A Go At Me Trying To Insult Me.
ooo cool. Im in. Heres a question for you zee. Does your boyfriend come with a free puncture repair kit? How much did it cost to get "your" thread? How do you own these things? If this had a different title, like insult zee, how many responses do you think you would get? Im betting double what you did get.
Seeing how you want questions, heres a couple. If you have a boyfriend, why would you waste your time with pointless questions that you could just as easily just ask your parents or write into just seventeen or whatever? What merit does your question have? Whats the point? Is that picture really of you or is it from a japanese porn site? and most importantly, why the hell am i still wasting time and effort typing a response to someone who thinks comments like "oo yeah, you must be a girl if you have a vagina" is clever. With all due respsect, if the kids are our future, you just made me lose all hope. No offence.