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Old 07-15-2015, 05:30 PM   #441 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Trying to get this back underway, and as I see Goofle's recommendation in the last post I say, sure why not?

Title: Chrome
Artiste: Catherine Wheel
Year: 1993
Chronological position: Second album
Previous experience of this artiste?: Zero, but have heard Goofle enthuse about them
Genre: Alt-rock, Shoegaze

My thoughts
One minute (or thereabouts in) ---- Good, great, bad, meh, still waiting or other? Good
One track in --- Good
Halfway through --- Good
Finished --- Good

Comments: I like the power and energy in this, and given that Goofle described them as shoegaze I was expecting something much more introspective and navel-gazing. The power continues on through to the next track, with a sort of darker feel to it, even touches of prog rock in places. “Crank” is the first track I'd really categorise as shoegaze, although I'm probably not familiar enough with the genre to make that assumption. Like the harmonies in it. Still pretty powerful. Must say I'm impressed with everything so far. It's not making me sit up and go “Oh my god! Why did I not listen to this before?” but I can see why Goof rates it so highly.

Ok, now this one I don't like. Screechy, pointless feedback that ... oh. Falls right away and leaves in its place a really nice clean song, almost indie rock maybe, nice chorus. Love the guitar once the feedback is gone. Move your hand away from that “Least favourite tracks” line, Troll! Ah, you know what? I'm undecided. Parts of it are great and parts are boring. I'll have to think about it (which means I never will, of course) but meantime I really like the title track. Next one's pretty rockin' too. “Ursa Major Space Station” (great title!) has a hard, almost metal edge to it, great guitar workout. “Fripp” is just superb. “Half life” is good too but it gets a little unnecessarily chaotic, while closer “Show me Mary” is a good rocker.

Favourite track(s): Kill rhythm, Crank, Broken head, Chrome, Ursa Major Space Station, Fripp
Least favourite track(s): Not really anything I didn't at least enjoy

Final impression --- A very decent album but I wouldn't go mad about it. I could end up listening to it again, but if I never did it wouldn't bother me all that much.

Do I feel, at the end, A) I wish I had listened to this sooner
B) I'm sorry I bothered
C) I might end up liking this
D) Have to wait and see
E) Bit underwhelmed; was ok but a classic?
F) Definitely enjoyed it, but again would I consider it a classic?
G) Enjoyed this album just purely on its own merits
H) Glad I listened to it

Probably have to say E

Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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