Originally Posted by girth6
what is it??
lion. king of the jungle, africa, sahara, egypt, everywhere. they roam free even in a zoo just being alpha to all the other animals. they jump around and growl and are just awesome!!! whats your fave animal?? lol dont say a pussy animal either like a penguin or something those dudes can barely walk lmao. a lion would easily kill a penguin
fun fact about lions... they are social animals that exist in prides containing usually one alpha male, a harem of females with which he breeds, and the current brood of cubs. technically some prides can be ruled by two males, in which case they are usually brothers.
the male cubs, upon adolescence, are driven out of the pride... similar to how simba was driven out of the pride in the lion king. except instead of being bamboozled by their uncle into thinking they murdered their father, they are just collectively driven out of the pride by both the dominant male(s) and his/their female cohorts.
similarly to simba, the adolescent males then spend a period of time out in the world without a pride. except instead of befriending a pig and a prairie dog, they typically band into groups of brothers that hunt together and grow strong and learn to fight, until eventually they either disband and each go seek their own pride to conquer or in some cases as mentioned two brothers might band together to conquer a pride.
i guess mufasa and scar had such an arrangement. perhaps mufasa would've been wiser to try to take the pride by himself. but that's all water under the bridge. anyway, the way they finally conquer their own pride is by finding one where an aging male(s) exists and driving them off.
of course, upon running off said aging male and thus obtaining his bitches, they immediately slaughter all of the cubs in the pride.
why? because those aint my kids bitch. plus the females wont mate when they have a current batch of cubs to raise. thus infanticide is standard lion procedure.
so just remember next time you look at one of these:

you're staring into the eyes of a soulless, born and bred baby killer
trigger warning: video contains graphic evidence of lion infanticide
look at how happy he is after he kills that baby, man. these cats are of the devil if you ask me