Originally Posted by Neapolitan
This is coming from a person who professes to be a Progger but hates the band ELP, and the album ABACAB by Genesis. He hates Jazz of all things. Prog without Jazz influence is like House or Acid without a TB 303.  He tells dad jokes all the time, but can't detect Frownlandhumour and doesn't like the movie Office Space.  He also kicked me out of the Prog album review club. But all is forgiven. He does give good advice... even though he doesn't seem to follow it.  imo 
Completely don't get that, unless it's another example of your weird humour...
What you're doing is the same; you don't like certain prog bands but I don't slag you over that. And my "Love or Hate?" thread has shown beyond any doubt that I'm willing to listen to anything; although nobody can make me likr what I hate. That doesn't invalidate it though, and I don't go around saying how can you listen to this it's crap? And you know full well you were kicked out of the PRAC for being unable to play the keyboard solo from "One for the vine" flawlessly. Come on man, we all had to do it.
Well, either that, or that you decided you would review only the albums you liked and would pick and choose. I think I explained it at the time. If I didn't, tough. I'm sure you're glad the poor old PRAC is dead and buried now.