Music Banter - View Single Post - curious how many peep's feel like you are the only one
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Old 07-12-2015, 02:08 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 26
Default curious how many peep's feel like you are the only one

surfing the Banter forum?

I mean what's going on in here? did someone yell fire and my ass is the only one left? seriously wtf? I must say the music taste I've heard posted so far absolutely sucks. I'm not trying to be uncool or judgmental but you people actually like each other or is this the last stop before we all die or some shiet? Talk to me you goofy mofo's. Talk to each other dang. Is there something y'all aren't sharing with my ass or am I an alien to you people? Give me a dag gone break please. My patients is about ran out. Give me some attention. wtf did you think I joined for? I like music...plain and simple and I need attention. This is a music forum you ignorant mofo's.

Talk to me please before my head explodes
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